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Our very own FedEx Cup style points competition through the winter months. Please support Villa Maria who generously sponsor the Villa Maria Cup and provide our members with significant discounts on their cellar door wines.
Mens Final Results
1st Glenn Kirkwood
2nd Mike MacLeod
3rd Mark Watson
4th Gerry Rooney
5th Ravi Johl
6th Ian Newport
7th Brian Chippendale
8th Paul Silke
9th Dave Knappstein
10th James Tyson
Womens Final Results
1st Lucy Jefferis
2nd Julia Knowles
3rd Julie Nicolle
4th Jean Dowling
5th Marion Tripe
6th Elaine Porter
7th Heather Stenhouse
Let's Play
Get involved with our club competitions and tournaments or if you have a fun idea for your own event please contact us.